Friday, October 30, 2009

It has been WAY too LONG!!

Well, The Russell's have had an interesting month! Here are some pictures of all our adventures... First, Athan was very sick and Oma came to help out with everyone. Ryan and I have traveled to Richmond several times for appointments meeting doctors for Athan's upcoming surgery on November 11th. Her GI doctor is doing lots of blood work and is having another surgeon come and do a rectal biopsy during her reflux surgery. The surgery is outpatient and the hardest part is going to be the anesthesia. So please pray for her and her doctors!!

Then we headed to NC for Grandma Crissman's birthday party! And just for the record... MIRACLES STILL HAPPEN! Holland took a picture with Grandma and the other kids and DIDN'T CRY!! We had a nice time... it was wonderful to celebrate this time with Grandma, but I can't imagine how her heart felt celebrating her first birthday without Grandpa. It was an emotional day... for her! We are so thankful to have Grandma and pray that God will continue to comfort her heart. Jim, asked us to go around and say "Grandma is..." It was so wonderful to hear all that Grandma means to each of us and how one person can have such a profound effect on all our lives.

We had a very nice visit with Nanny and Pop! Rebecca and Mary Elizabeth joined in on all the fun. Then dinner with GoGo, Ed, Abbie, Nate and Aunt Tina! YUMMY! Happy Birthday GoGo on October 12th! Athan picked out a Little Mermaid card that sang to her...

Then the kids and packed up and headed to Lynchburg for a few days of rest and fun with Oma and Opa! After a few wrong turns we finally reached our destination! Caedmon was very energetic... a little too much for his VERY tired mother... so I called my dad and he took Caedmon to the stock market & he spent the night with him for the rest of the week. Oh Yeah... did I mention that he was already energetic... and my dad got him at least one Mountain Dew! But they had fun together!! Caedmon was so excited to tell me that he ate at McDonald's FOUR times while he was with PaPa Garrett!!
I am thinking of renaming my mom's house to "Anytime Ice Cream" Let's see... after breakfast... 10:30 a.m. after lunch 1:30, after nap 4:30, before dinner 5:30, and before bed time 7:30! YUMMY homemade ice cream is good all day long.
Then we came home to spend some time with Kelli and Emma... it really was a great visit, we had a Jane Austin marathon... Sense and Sensibility... and the A&E Pride and Prejudice! MARVELOUS... well, until I fell out on the floor while making dinner... so then started the BAD Week :(
My friend Rachael and Bethany came to visit on Friday - Sunday... It was a visit more of presence than anything else... What is 8 hours to a wonderful friend? A hug and some stick drawings later, it was time for doctor's appointment for Athan and then later in the week me!

Rest assured... I am well, just some bad side effects to my medication, which I no longer take. So, it is good to be able to think and live life again! And Thanks to Kelli, Rachael, and Bethany for taking care of me... God knew I would need you while Ryan was in Mexico!

So now life is getting back in the swing of things... School, Church and the fun of three kids!

Last week the kids spent the day with Grandaddy, while mommie, daddie, and Athan went to an appointment. When GoGo got home they all went to Toys'RUs and registered for Christmas!! What fun!! Then we ate at Cheeburger Cheeburger... YUMMY!

Caedmon during dinner came over to me and asked "Mommie when did you meet and fall in love with Daddie?" It was so precious! Add Video

Today, Ryan is having going to the Rival football game between Park View and Bluestone! Him and Caedmon will meet the other youth guys at Wendy's for dinner and hang out at the game! The girls and I are having a girl party at the house... so Athan has been walking around all day with a "list" of things to check off... "Okay, Mommie; will our guest be eating waffles with us?" "Lunch... "Check", "Don't forget about the cake, Mom!" She is my best side kick!!

Okay... well I am sure that I am forgetting something (feel free to comment with a forgotten memory)... but as mentioned above, I am having a girl party tonight... the vacuum cleaner is calling my name and the cake needs to be iced! Enjoy the pictures...

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