Thursday, October 8, 2009

So we pray...

As Ryan and I ate dinner tonight our conversation consisted of "the plan"... it went something like this... "if she throws up again, we are going to the ER... but which one?"... "But what if she doesn't throw up but is still in pain, do we get blood work?"... "Does she just need to poop?"... then Holland adds "Buty (Bucky our cat) true up in the toy room on a PIECE OF PUPUR!" translation... Bucky threw up in the toy room on a piece of paper! REALLY!!!

Athan has been sick this week that is true and we have visited the doctor several times this week and we are unsure still what is going on. So we pray. Herman is in the hospital with an infection in his arm unsure of what is going. So we pray. A family in our congregation was in very serious car accident with two members in very serious conditions. So we pray. Tracy Gould's mother fell and hurt her head. So we pray. Brad and Jo's congregation has lost a man of faith whose family is grieving. So we pray. Sherry's husband Bobby's dad had a stroke and is still in the hospital. So we pray. This is just to name those who are hurting that are touching our lives, there are so many more. So many more dinner conversations that are so much more serious, concerning, overwhelming, heartbreaking, and our dear Precious Sweet, Caring, Compassionate Savior Hears them all.

This afternoon in school God allowed Caedmon and I to talk about the silliness of "things" and Caedmon looked at me and said in complete frustration... "But mom I CAN'T SEE GOD." I took a breath not wanting my words to come out but God's and His Holy Spirit guided me to say, Yes you can, He has given you a daddy you loves you and tells you every day, God is in him, a mommie who is here for you and with you and reminds you to seek after Christ; God is in her, sisters who love to trust you and play with you and hug you God is in them and in your class that is teaching you the names of God... learn them so you can see God in the Sovereign acts of power and life, in His provision of shelter, food, clothing and protection, in the wisdom He gives to you through His word and others... God is all around you... and He has promised if you will draw near to Him He will draw near to you. Because even though you can't "see" Him is EVERYWHERE... So we pray.

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