Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Russell Jamboree

This year the Russell clan, upon the request of our Nanny, had a jamboree Christmas celebration! The night started with The Jerry Russell grandchildren performing Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer... Cody stole the show with his blinking nose!! Darla played and Keeleigh sang Silent Night. Then Darla sang and played Mary did you know... She has an amazing voice and my eyes got a little wet (shocking I know).
Then Joye & Herman sang as their grandchildren got dressed... Jo brought costumes from church and organized everything... we had Mary (Chesed), "The Carpenter" not to be mistaken with Joseph (Caedmon), the horse (Holland), the angel (Athan Mae), and let us not forget the reason for the season; Baby Jesus played by Charisa Rae!! Yep, look closely you will find her wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in Chesed's, I mean, Mary's lap! Then Uncle Ryan played the guitar while the little Russell voices sang and bells rang out Jingle Bells! Truely for those of you who know at least my children... IT WAS A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE!
Ryan, Tina, Brad, Jo & Christie sang two Christmas classics... of course we practiced for hours and perfected every harmony... well at least it sounded that way... keep your eyes open for our Christmas CD next holiday season :P
Then perhaps the most precious memory from our Christmas celebrations took place... Nanny & Pop sang together while Darla played. There was no better way to start our Christmas season!
The "ChKristie" Russell's enjoyed sharing racing stories and playing catch up on a year of kid stories and life! The presents came and the food was gobbled up and the evening was over, but the memory will be treasured for the rest of our lives.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Ryan & Christie Grew Up Today

God has been so gracious to allow us to serve with teenage students now for almost 9 years! So, the job lends us some extra "youth" time and we have REALLY enjoyed it. But on Thursday night that all changed, even if for a season. We received a call that one of our 20 year old "former" students was killed in a single car accident. The news was so hard, everything runs through your mind..."did he really know the Lord?", you rethink every word spoken or not spoken, and the reality & eternal significance of our "job" hit us in the gut like a ton of bricks. Then Ryan got a call asking him to minister at the graveside. We went on Sunday to visit the family, what a depth of sorrow I pray that no one else ever has to feel, myself included. Then we went to the accident site. As we approached the mud clung to our shoes and you could see every hit the car made in the ground. Then a candle and wreath marked the spot where this young man was found. The ground was sunken. It was in the faint shape of his body. As we looked down there was a puddle of his blood. Again an emotional hit in the stomach. It was so violent and so unnecessary.

My thoughts over the past few days have drawn me to the cross. Which was so violent yet so very absolutely necessary. As his blood came out of his body... there was still hope of life. His blood was powerful, providing the covering we need for a right standing before a Holy God. When I looked at this young man's blood just resting there on the ground I imagined it flowing through his veins bringing him life and now it was useless. But not so with our Lord!

There is hope through the pain, there is hope through Christ's blood. So as I make a new section of my heart entitled "Student's who have died," and as I watched Ryan (a grown man in a suit) proclaim the hope of Christ to one of "our" student's grieving family I feel just a little more grown up, and so thankful for what God allows us to do for His glory!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The Gospel...

While teaching Caedmon this morning, we were looking at the "or" sound. As he read his card he came to the word "Lord". He got excited and pointed to the sky and said "Just like our Lord!" Holland who was next to him said "What Lord?" and this was his reply... "God is Lord, we have all sinned and need Jesus, then we can all be together in heaven and that is where Grandpa is and when you get there you will have so much fun with Grandpa. Now do you know what Lord is?" Holland smiled & said "Yes!"

What a blessing to be able to stop our lesson and have the gospel shared in class! And what hope to know that Christ's promises are true, He has saved us with His blood and has prepared a place for us who believe in heaven. There is hope that we are not living for the "time" we have on earth but for the eternity that we will spend in the presence of our Lord rejoicing with those who have gone before us!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

November sneezes brings kid fevers!

November is such a wonderful time of year for the Russell family! School is in full swing, FINALLY! The colors of fall are beautiful and the leaves on ALL of our trees begin to landscape our yard with brown and yellow leaves. Nanny, Berni (or Berna!!), Nate, and Pop all celebrate their birthdays! But there is ONE thing about November that is no fun at all... SICKNESS!!

Life changes all the time and God in his Divine wisdom allows joy and sorrow to walk side by side all the time. He is so gracious to us and never leaves us alone. And this week our family had to allow God's divine truth to comfort us as we received very sad news. (that is all I will say right now...)

We started the week with school and leaf raking fun and a destruction project... then something happened... COUGH! COUGH! Everything started slowing down... AAAAAAAA CHOO! Little curls stopped bouncing around the house...COUGH! Little voices started.... AAAA CHOO! saying "Maaaaaaammaaaa, HOLD ME. Then things started HEATING UP... to 103.2... COUGH! COUGH! Sleep stopped around our house...SNIFF! SNIFF! (at least at night!)

Athan and Holland both got sick... as I write this I have a little heater in my lap resting on my shoulder.

Thursday a front end loader pulled into our drive way and the fun began. Jeff Jones, one of our dear friends came by and tore down our shed! Then my cell phone rang... my sweet Emily was on the other end... She and her husband Jody will leave on Wednesday to go and pick up their little girl Ella from Korea... it is amazing how much I love this sweet little girl already! And what a beautiful picture of God's love for us as His adopted children!

We had Thanksgiving with the Jancarts! What a wonderful time and the food... OH MY!! It was nice to see Mike's mom again.

Friday, met me with a counseling session... We are always in need of God's wisdom and as always God faithfully brought us to His word for truth... then on saturday my counselee called and reported about the wonders God had done in just 24 hours! He is so wonderful. He had drawn this precious heart to him and the precious heart was ready to receive His wisdom... and as I hope we all know... His truth changed lives!!

Ryan made yummy BBQ on Saturday... our hope was too have Tina, Ed, Abbie and Nate over for lunch... instead we offered a BBQ drive thru! (we love to share, but not fevers and sneezes!) It was really good BBQ... I wanted to eat some for breakfast this morning!!

Saturday night Ryan stayed at home with Athan while I took Caedmon and Holland to New London Steakhouse in Evington to celebrate Aunt Berni's birthday! We had a very nice time... her college friends came and we all enjoyed a wonderful meal! Good times and GREAT laughs...

Saturday/Sunday night was just a little scary... Athan woke up with a very high fever... we gave her medicine and put her in the tub... AGAIN!! Then she got her wish... to sleep in mommie and daddie's bed... just about every night she puts in the request to sleep with us... so last night her wish came true... only daddie slept on the sofa. Mommie didn't sleep... my hand stayed on her forehead and my alarm went off every 30 minutes to check her temperature... FINALLY around 5:30 her fever broke... and I was able to go back to sleep. She is much better today.

Now Holland is feeling the effects of sharing! Those big blue eyes have a glaze over them :(

In the week to come Athan will hopefully have surgery and then the McGann's will arrive to lead our Fall Retreat!

Well, the disinfection process has started... AAAA CHOO's, COUGH! COUGH's! BEWARE, I am coming after you!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trunk or Treat!

This was the first year we dressed the kids up and headed to a local church for their Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat... the kids had a GREAT time! Caedmon was a tough rough firefighter... Athan was a princess... and Holland was Tinkerbell! All dress up clothes they play with everyday! Athan's dress was my flower girl dress from Martha and Fleming's wedding 27 years ago!!

When they got home they enjoyed looking through their candy and Bucky (our cat) was waiting for her turn to eat some too:)