This year t

he Russell clan, upon the request of our Nanny, had a jamboree Christmas celebration! The night started with The Jerry Russell grandchildren performing Rudolph

the Red Nose Reindeer... Cody stole the show with his blinking nose!! Darla played and Keeleigh sang Silent Night. Then Darla sang and played Mary did you know...


he has an amazing voice and my eyes got a little wet (shocking I know).
Then Joye & Herman sang as their grandchildren got dressed... Jo brought costumes from church and organized everything... we had Mary (Chesed), "The Carpenter"

not to be mistaken with Joseph (Caedmon), the horse (Holland), the angel (Athan Mae), and let us not forget th

e reason for the season; Baby Jesus played by Charisa Rae!! Yep, look closely you will find her wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in Chesed's, I mean, Mary's lap! Then Uncle Ryan played the guitar while the little Russell voices sang and bells rang out Jingle Bells! Truely for those of you who know at

least my children... IT WAS A CHRISTMAS M

Ryan, Tina, Brad, Jo & Christie sang two Christmas classics... of course we practiced for hours and perfected every harmony... well at least it sounded that way... keep your eyes open for our Christmas CD next holiday season :P
Then perhaps the most precious memory from our Christm

as celebrations took place... Nanny & Pop sang together while Darla played. There was no better way to start our Christmas season!
The "ChKristie" Russell's enjoyed sharing racing stories and playing catch up on a year of ki

d stories and life! The presents came and the food was gobbled up and the evening was over, but the memory will be treasured for the rest

of our live


Love it!! What a wonderful memory for all of you!