Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shattered Hopes...

Well, it has been my deepest hope to catching up our blog from 2009 but there are some goals that are just too high and lofty :)

2010 started off much the same as 2009...we had a set number of children 4 and then God decided to double our quiver. January brought four beautiful works of art from our Creator. Tiesha (17), Shantell (14), Montreal (12), and Alatasia (18 months). With the help of Bobby and Allison Maxwell we were able to shuffle the house around to make room for everyone. And with the help of friends we were able to, in one week get the house ready and all the necessary paperwork done to make it all legal. They will be with us for 8 months. We are really looking forward to birthdays, family days out, church events, school achievements, and potty training!

This weekend has been GREAT... we are establishing chores, goals, and fun dinners. The girls and I planned out our menu and went grocery shopping. It was so much fun! We are learning the art of 8 minute showers and enjoying our long dinner conversations.

We are so thankful for all your prayers... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE keep them coming... there is no way we will all make it through without your prayers and His Grace!

Here are some pictures of Russell Life the new norm...

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A New Year Already?

WOW! There is no possible way an entire year has passed!! As Ryan and I sat by the fire at Martha's house on New Year's Eve we were overwhelmed, thinking of all the events that took place in our Russell World in 2010. Though some blog post have been made, pictures shared, and Christmas Cards sent REALLY it's already 2011? Oh My!

Well, my last post was of Halloween so I have some catching up to do. Early Halloween morning the phone rang waking me from a deep sleep. On the other end the voice of a father Mike telling me that the mother Amanda was ready to have their baby!! Ember Louise entered the world on that Sunday morning and all of our lives have been much brighter since! Congratulations Jancarts!

November oh November... I am thankful that Scripture reminds us over and over that we do not need to worry about tomorrow because really if we knew what was coming we would stop dead in our tracks. It was 4:37 in the afternoon and my daily call from my sister Berni came in... only this time she did not open with "Whatcha doin'?" but with we need you to pray... "all I know is Martha had a seizure and she is being taken to the hospital." Fear, Panic, and shaking ensued. A few hours later another ring and the verdict was in... "Martha has a tumor in her brain." I know that I am more emotional than some... but I praise God that He allows us to feel, to absorb the REAL feelings of the moment.. this was not a made up fear or a bothersome worry... this was REAL and it shook me to the core, screams, cries, moments of peaceful silence. I was emotionally naked and unashamed in the arms of my Savior as He heard my cry, the petition of my heart that He prepare us for His will not our own. There are not enough "Thank You's" on the planet, in the universe to give out to everyone who helped with the children & prayed for us. So, if I have forgotten THANK YOU!! Martha is recovering well and trusting God more and more everyday. Keep praying!

November 12-13 we went to Aberdeen NC to visit our grandparents. We attended a "family reunion" with Grandma Crissman. Uncle Jim, Aunt Barb, Uncle Robbie, Aunt Janice, Aunt Judy, Uncle Kevin, Tina, Jennifer, Tyler & Alex... I am sure I am forgetting someone (I'm sorry) What a precious time.

We visited with Pop & Nanny sharing a celebration for their birthdays and getting to attend church with them on Sunday. Again, had I known this would be Pop's last time in church before his funeral it would have been too much to handle. But the time was priceless... all on one row... Pop, Nanny, Herman, Joye, Tina, Ryan, Myself, Caedmon, Justin, Athan, & Holland... generation after generation worshiping the ONE TRUE GOD! Even to think about it now is too much.

The following Friday... Ryan and I went to see Harry Potter 819283747392 Part 1... LOVED IT! Then I headed to Appomattox to prepare for Thanksgiving with Jordan & Taylor!
Ryan was off the week of Thanksgiving, he attended a ACSI convention with his fellow CCS teachers and rang the cowbell when it was all over! We loaded up and headed north to Appomattox for Thanksgiving!

Enjoy the pictures from November... December will come soon... I hope!

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