Imagine this... two brothers and their amazingly talented and beautiful wives... traveling hundreds of miles to sit and listen. It is pretty weird, I will admit... however the experience is life changing.
In April, Ryan, Brad, Jo and Myself along with Leonard met in Appomattox and set our sights on Kentucky for Together 4 the Gospel 2010. We were privaledged to sit under Mark Dever, John MacArthur, John Piper, CJ Mahaney, Al Molher, and Duncan Ligon. I am forgetting some and they were wonderful. But anyway, at the sessions we got a stack of books written by the speaker and a few of their favorites... FREE... we EACH came home with over 20 books. Our heads ached at the end of each day... okay well, MY HEAD ached at the end of each day...I didn't know that my brain could go so deep...I realized by the second sentence of the conference that I hadn't thought many deep thoughts about God in my life... but how grateful I am that some others have. What a blessing to my spirit. Their words of biblical wisdom still rings in my ears months later.
Before the conference began The Russell clan headed to the Creation Museum. Again another headache! But a blessed pain. The truth that pours forth about our Creator God and His care and precision of creation was AMAZING... it is a trip that EVERY believing family needs to take.
But perhaps there was something more... something more beautiful, more meaningful, more powerful than anything one of these men of God could communicate, more than a dinosaur could reveal. There was time... time to see with our eyes how God has taken four lives and turned them UPSIDE DOWN for His glory. There were words... holy words that were spoken by us all that healed wounds and drew us closer to each other and and our Savior. What a blessed time we had with not just our physical brother and sisters but our everlasting family that God has made for His glory! Thank you Brad and Jo for a GREAT week in the city. I love you both more than my words can express.
We hope you enjoy the pictures... if you will notice we all look glazed over... it is because as mentioned above we were thinking deep thoughts and really were overwhelmed with information!