Holland Joye Russell is 2 1/2 years old. She loves her baby dolls, milk, & her mommie (just ask her). She enjoys watching Elmo's World and sitting in mommie's lap. Holland has a blanket named "meme" and two babies... Two & Fat Baby. Her best friends are Hunter, Emma, Joelle, Lauren, Aedan, Charis, Charisa, & Tirzah. She and Bucky the "cat" do not like each other,
She loves to talk and tell knock knock jokes! Her chore at home is to put away the silverware and make her bed. She sleeps in the room with her sissy Afan and brudder Paedman. She has TinkerBell sheets and pillow case. For fun she likes to close the refrigerator door. She is a one of a kind, and we are thankful that she has stopped crying every moment of the day! She is our Holland Joye & comfort "blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4
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