Saturday, September 5, 2009

They helped me!

Holland despises going to the doctor's office... in fact when we see the nurses in the grocery store she starts to panic. But yesterday, I had to take her to the doctor because "her ears stopped." She feel asleep in the waiting room... I was hopeful. Then we were called back, her gripped tightened around my neck her legs clung to my waist... our dear sweet nurse came in and wanted to listen to her heart beat... then it was on! Screaming, arms swinging. The nurse just laughed thinking that it would get better... the young, so innocent. She left the room and Holland was all smiles, she wanted to sing songs and count the mickey's sister's on the wall. Dr. Susan approached the room, silence fell over the jovial child. She covered her ears and buried her face in my chest. I held the SCREAMING girl down for the ear exam that showed we were going to need to clean out her ear... Dr. Susan looked at me "do you WANT me to clean out her ear?" with the resolve to unstop Holland's ear I looked her in the eyes and said "I can handle it if you can!" So with the strength of a nurse, a doctor, and a mother who was thankful for the late night saturday wrestling matches that she watched with her dad that now provided her with the maneuver to wrangle her screaming, kicking, child down the cleaning began! Could you hear her SCREAMING (or maybe your soul shook at some point yesterday afternoon)... it was like nothing I had ever heard before. After a few tries her ear was clean and she was calm... they offered no prize, only a bill... and with the snickers of the other nurses and the receptionist commenting on her big eyes and lungs we headed home!
Holland got home and when asked what happened at the doctor's office... her response was "they helped me!" I wanted to cry.

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