This week we have had our share of sickness... after our day of fun at the Lake, we woke up Monday morning to colds, fevers, aches and pains. So our plan to start school on Monday was delayed until the teacher felt better! So here it is the first day of school!
However, before we started I found Athan crying in the guest room. I could not begin to imagine what she was so upset about, as I held her in my arms, with tears streaming down her cheeks she says, "Mom, when I get married and move into a different house, it is going to be so far away from you, it will take you too long to get to my house." I know that when they are babys and we look into their longing eyes, we wonder "what are you thinking?" Well, I would never imagine that a four year old would have such things running through her mind. I assured her that it would be a long time before she moved and we could think about it then!
So, with the tears gone it was time to start school... first the pledge, prayer time, and then lessons! It was a good first day. The cats and stuffed animals learned a lot too!
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